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Cognitive technologies in the technology sector (report)

Deloitte University Press recently released an insightful report titled “Cognitive technologies in the technology sector – From science fiction vision to real-world value“. It’s an overview of how some tech companies are using cognitive technologies to create innovative new products and services, pursue new markets, and even reimagine their businesses.

“Artificial intelligence is certainly no longer considered science fiction—or a source of expensive R&D efforts with unmet potential—by major players in the technology sector. Instead, we are in the midst of a real-world paradigm shift: the final stages of a decades-long transition from the scientific discipline known as artificial intelligence (and its various sub-disciplines) into an array of applied cognitive technologies made more widely available through innovative enterprise architectures unique to the business culture of the technology sector.”

Cognitive technologies in the technology sector - Deloitte University Press

Must read report for anyone interested to learn how technology companies create new business units to increase volume and generate revenue by using cognitive technologies.

Read the introduction and overview article here.

You can download the full report here.

Related: The Future of Business: towards a new relationship of technology and humanity (6 key findings by Futurist Gerd Leonhard)

Related images courtesy of @gleonhard

Posted by Rudy de Waele aka @mtrends / shift2020.com




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