Loading Future Conference Agency Keynote Speaker


We can develop great technologies, but the logistics of them becoming mainstream are more difficult!

by Shara Evans

What an amazing year 2019 was, not only personally with some fantastic speaking engagements around the world, but also in the technology industry. We’ve seen some sensational developments with technologies such as AI, robotics, advanced healthcare and alternative energy sources — but we’ve also seen some steps backward, particularly with respect to cybersecurity and privacy. It has shown that sometimes, we can develop great technologies, but the logistics of them becoming mainstream are more difficult!

With all the advancements taking place, we need to take responsibility for learning more about what this truly means from both a business and personal perspective — especially when it comes to our privacy and careers. 

Many workforce changes will take place due to rapidly advancing technology developments — we’ll see new jobs emerge, existing jobs change in function, as well as the removal of outdated job functions. In many industries, we’re already seeing people working side by side with robots and making more use of artificial intelligence. It is an exciting era and changes are taking place at a great speed. It truly is time to keep updated and that’s where I come in! You can keep yourself in front of the pack, by keeping abreast of my recent research here.

Street Talk Episode 8: Shara Evans

This podcast with James MacGregor from Street Talk was recorded at the LJ Hooker Pinnacle conference in August 2019, where I summarised a few of the key take-aways from my keynote speech on “The World of 2030: What it will mean for Real Estate Agents and Property Developers”. This keynote speech delves into the world of the future to show how new technologies will impact property developments, as well as providing many pragmatic ideas and tools that can be used to drive business today. The podcast covers several other topics as well.

Interview With Futurist Shara Evans For The Family Business Australia Conference

My keynote speech at at The Family Business Australia conference in September 2019 was about “The Future of Work: A Glimpse into an Automated Future”. As a bonus for the conference, I filmed a short video interview around what businesses can do to “future proof” their business.

Find out more about our The Futures Agency network member, Shara Evans.




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